A sample of nature conservation reports and publications by HCI Ltd. staff and associates.
Epidemiology and disease

Epidemiology and disease
A bovine tuberculosis policy conundrum in 2023. On the scientific evidence relating to the Animal and Plant Health Agency/DEFRA policy concept for ‘Epidemiological’ badger culling. An Independent report by researchers and veterinarians to DEFRA and the UK Parliament, APRIL 2023, Griffiths, L., Griffiths, M., Jones, B., Jones, M., Langton, T.E.S., Rendle, M., Torgerson, P., April 2023.
Epidemiology and disease

Herpetofauna & road ecology

Langton, T.E.S. and A.P. Clevenger. 2021. Measures to Reduce Road Impacts on Amphibians and Reptiles in California. Best Management Practices and Technical Guidance. Prepared by Western Transportation Institute for California Department of Transportation, Division of Research, Innovation and System Information.
Task 2700 – Measures to Reduce Road Impacts on Amphibians and Reptiles in California: Best Management Practices and Technical Guidance
Epidemiology and disease

Langton T. 2021. Supplementary Culling in retreat, but the war against English badgers continues. Posted on 11/02/2021 by The Badger Crowd https://thebadgercrowd.org/2021/02
Langton T. 2021. Guest Blog Eco-impacts of badger culling. February 26th.
Langton T. 2021. Modelling killed the badgers 2021 18th January 2021. Ecologist https://theecologist.org/2021/jan/18/modelling-killed-badgers
Epidemiology and disease
Langton T. 2020 Scientists, Disease and Communicating Uncertainty. 18/07/2020 blog by The Badger Crowd.
Langton T. 2020 Vermin, Victims and Disease, British Debates over Bovine Tuberculosis and Badgers by Angela Cassidy. Book review posted on 14th April 2020 by The Badger Crowd.
Epidemiology and disease
Langton, T.E.S. 2019. Badger Meddling.
Langton, T. E.S. 2019. Badger Culling and Bovine TB in cattle: A Re-evaluation of Proactive Culling Benefit in the Randomised Badger Culling Trial. Dairy and Vet Sci J. 12(1):555826.
Langton Tom 2019. ‘The badger cull policy is not evidence based’ Veterinary Record Vol 184 No 23, 715. And response to replies subsequent issues.
Herpetofauna & road ecology
Langton, T.E.S., Clevenger, A.P., Fisher, R. and Brehme, C. 2018 Amphibian and Reptile Highway Crossings Worldwide. State of the Practice Review and Gap Analysis. Full presentation to IENE 11-14 September 2018. Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Wildlife after Gravel. An outstanding Suffolk Biodiversity and Geodiversity reserve, established from mineral pit restoration at Thorington, Suffolk. White Admiral pp. 18-22 Vol 102
Epidemiology and disease
Langton, T. E.S. 2018 A bovine TB black-and-whitewash? The Ecologist
Herpetofauna & road ecology
Langton, T. E.S., Clevenger, A.P., Fisher, R.N. and Brehme, C.S. 2017 Amphibian and Reptile Highway Crossings Worldwide. State of the Practice Review Literature Review and Gap analysis. Report prepared for the State of California, Department of Transportation Division of Research and Innovation, Office of Materials and Infrastructure Research, Sacramento, California. 160 pp.
Epidemiology and disease
Langton, T. E.S. 2017 Bovine tuberculosis testing – we really need to talk. The Ecologist.
Epidemiology and disease
Price, S.J., Garner T.W. J., Cunningham A. A., Langton T.E.S. and R. A. Nichols 2016 Re-constructing the emergence of a lethal infectious disease of wildlife supports a key role for spread through translocations by humans. Proc. R. Soc. B 2016 283 20160952; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.0952.
Habitat restoration and management
Langton, T.E.S. 2016 Management of the New Forest, Hampshire. Restoration proposals for Latchmore Brook: Review of potential species and habitat impacts and related matters in relation to Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) wetland interventions. Report to Natural England CEO and non-executive directors. Unpub. Report to Friends of Latchmore. 45 pp
Langton T. E. S. 2016. Management of the New Forest, Hampshire. Restoration proposals for Latchmore Brook: Review of potential species and habitat impacts and related matters in relation to Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) wetland interventions. Supplementary information: Southern Damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale at Latchmore Brook. 15 August 2016 [plus map and data log.]
Langton, T. E.S. 2016. Small Nature Reserves – potential values through organised recording. In Battye R. and J Cullen (Eds.) Two Suffolk Nature Reserves. Suffolk Flora Preservation Society. Leiston Press
Herpetofauna monitoring and management
Langton, T., Millins, G. and C. Langton 2016. Suffolk ponds and great crested newt Triturus cristatus conservation. Transactions of the Suffolk Natural History Society,43, p 43-57
Herpetofauna & road ecology
Langton, T. E.S. 2015 Introduction. A history of small animal road ecology. In Andrews K. M., Nanjappa, P., and S. P. D. Riley, Eds. Roads and Ecological Infrastructure: Concepts and Applications for Small Animals. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
Langton, T. E.S., Clevenger, A.P., Fisher, R.N., Brehme, C.S. and T.D.H. Allen 2015 Road connectivity for amphibians and reptiles – a survey of systems in California. ICOET Conference 2015 Roads to Resilience, Raleigh, North Carolina.
Hammer, A., Langton, T., Lesbarrères, D, 2015 Making a safe leap forward –mitigating road impacts on amphibians. In Handbook of Road Ecology: A practitioner’s guide to impacts and solutions. In: van der Ree, R et al. (eds.) Wiley Blackwell
Langton, T. E.S. 2015 Priorities for Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe. Convention on the Conservation on of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats. Standing Committee. 35th meeting, Strasbourg, 1-4 December 2015. Strasbourg, 15 October 2015 T-PVS/Inf (2015) 20
Herpetofauna & road ecology
Hamer A. J., van der Ree R., Mahony M. J. and Langton T. (2014) Usage rates of an under-road tunnel by three Australian frog species: implications for road mitigation. Animal Conservation. ZSL 1367-9430
Langton Tom 2014. Report on the first year of activity representing IENE at the Council of Europe Bern Convention Expert Group on Ecological Networks. The IENE 2014 Malmo conference Sept 16-19 in Malmö, Sweden. “Life for a greener transport infrastructure” Swedish Transport Administration. Sweden
Birds and bats
Langton, T, 2012. A sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus mortality incident and the potential impacts on wildlife from on- and off-shore wind turbines in Suffolk. Trans Suffolk Nats Soc (47) 55-60
Herpetofauna & road ecology
Langton, T.E.S. 2012. Towards international standards for small and micro wildlife tunnel and fence systems. Infra Eco Network Europe Conference, Potsdam, Berlin, Germany Oct 2012
Langton, T.E.S. 2012. Toads on Roads: Past, Present and Future. Presentation to Froglife Workshop on Amphibian Mortality on Roads 7-8 March 2012, Peterborough Town Hall, Peterborough.
Herpetofauna monitoring and management
Langton T.E.S., Atkins W. and C Herbert (2011) On the distribution, ecology and management of non-native reptiles and amphibians in the London Area. Part 1. Distribution and predator/prey impacts. The London Naturalist, No. 90, 2011 83
Langton T.E.S. and C. Herbert (2011) On the distribution, ecology and management of non-native reptiles and amphibians in the London Area. Part 2. Disease impacts, perspectives, trade exploitation and finding ethical solutions. The London Naturalist, No. 90, 2011 157
Langton, T, 2010. Summer survey technique for great crested newt Triturus cristatus. Trans. Suffolk. Nats. Soc. (46) p-7-20
Langton T. E. S. 2009 Great crested newt Triturus cristatus : 30 years of implementation of International Wildlife Conventions, European and UK Law in the United Kingdom 1979–2009. A report to: European Commission. DG Environment.
Langton, T.E.S., Millins. G., and C.L. Langton (2007) On the status of ponds and great crested newt Triturus cristatus in Suffolk. Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists. Society. 43. 43-57
Langton, T., and J.A. Burton. 2006. Pool frog release in Norfolk, UK in 2005 – were IUCN Guidelines for Re-introduction properly followed? Re-introduction News 25 April 13-14
Tom E S Langton and John A Burton 2005 Pool frog Rana lessonae in Britain: past nativeness unresolved. On the verification of sub-fossil bone identification. A report by Herpetofauna Consultants International Ltd. Halesworth.
John A Burton and Tom E S Langton 2005 On the approach to investigating the historic status of the Green/Water frog Rana lessonae in England using archive material, with particular reference to English Nature funded Research Reports and proposals to release Pool frogs in the wild in England. A report by: Herpetofauna Consultants International Ltd. Halesworth
Langton T.E.S., Livingstone, K., Corbett, K.F., and C. Herbert (2005) Conservation of the adder or northern viper in the London area. The London Naturalist, No.84 79-115
Crick, M., Kirby, P. and T. Langton 2005. Knottholes: the wildlife of Peterborough’s claypits.413-421 British Wildlife August.
O’Neill, K., Jennings, S., Forsyth, L., Carey, r., Portig, A., Preston, J., Langton, T., and R. McDonald., (2004) The distribution and status of smooth newts in Northern Ireland Quercus project QU04-02. Quercus partnership: Environment & Heritage Service, Northern Ireland and Queen’s University, Belfast
Clemons J. and Langton T. 2003 Species translocations. Chapter 9. In Gent, T. & Gibson, S. (eds). 2003. Herpetofauna Workers’ Manual (revised reprint), JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 450 6.
Griffiths R.A. and Langton T 2003 Catching and Handling. Chapter 9. In Gent, T. & Gibson, S. (eds). 2003. Herpetofauna Workers’ Manual (revised reprint), JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 450 6.
Langton, T. (Ed) (2003) Pond kit educational publication for Youth Justice Board.
Langton, T. (Ed) (2003) Tree kit (Homes for Birds) Educational publication for Youth Justice Board.
Langton T.E.S. (2002) Measures to protect amphibians and reptiles from road traffic; amphibian tunnels in England. Setting Quality Standards in mitigation: system design, construction, maintenance, and monitoring. In Wildlife and Roads-The ecological Impact. Ed. Sherwood and others Linnean Society Symposium, May 1998. Imperial College Press

Langton, Tom. Beckett C.L. and J. Foster (2001) Great crested newt conservation handbook, Froglife publication. 56 pp
Brede, E.G., R.S. Thorpe, Arntzen J.W. and T.E.S. Langton (2000) A morphometric study of a hybrid newt population (Triturus cristatus/T. carnifex): Beam Brook Nurseries, Surrey, U.K. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 70: 685–695. With 4 figures. doi:10.1006/bijl.1999.0423, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on
Banks, B., Foster, J.P., Morgan, K. & Langton, T.E.S. (2000) British Bullfrogs? British Wildlife, June 2000

Langton, Tom, (2000) Pond Heaven. How to create your own wildlife pond. BBC Wildlife Magazine booklet. 23p. 2nd edition with Environment Agency and Others
Langton, T.E.S., Beckett, C.L.& Foster, J.P. (1999) First leatherback turtle stranding for Suffolk. Trans. Suffolk Naturalist Society
Langton, T.E.S. (1999) Leatherback Turtle Dermochelys coriacea from the Thames Estuary, with notes on reporting and rehabilitation. The London Naturalist, No 78, 1999
Langton, T.E.S. and Burton, J.A. (1997) Amphibians and reptiles: Conservation management of species and habitats. Council of Europe T-PVS (96) 68. Strasbourg, France

Cunningham, A.A. and Langton, T.E.S., (1997) Disease risks associated with translocations of amphibia into/ out of and within Europe – a UK perspective. Journal of the British Veterinary Zoological Society (1997) 2: 37 – 41.
Langton, T.E.S., Beckett, C.L., King, G.L. & M.J. Gaywood. 1996. Distribution and status of marine turtles in Scottish waters. Scottish Natural Heritage Research, Survey and Monitoring Report. No. 8.
Cunningham, A.A., Langton, T.E.S., Bennett, P.M., Lewin, J.F., Drury, S.E.N., Gough, R.E. & S.K. Macgreggor.,1996. Pathological and microbial studies from incidents of unusual mortality of the common frog (Rana temporaria). Phil. Trans. R.Soc. Lond. B. 351, 1539 -1557.
Langton, T.E.S. and C.L. Beckett. 1995. Home range size of Scottish amphibians and reptiles. Scottish Natural Heritage Review No. 53, SNH Perth.
Cunningham, A.A., Bennett, P.M., Langton, T.E.S., Levin, J.F., Drury, S.E.N., Gough, R.E. and S.K. Macgregor. 1995. Investigations into unusual mortalities of the common frog Rana temporaria in Britain. Herpetopathologia: 19-27.
Langton, T.E.S. et. al., 1994. Translocation of a crested newt Triturus cristatus population from a site in Crewe, (1994) Cheshire, to a nearby receptor site. Proceedings of a symposium held on 11 January 1994 at Kew Gardens, London. English Nature, Peterborough
Langton, T.E.S. 1994. Distribution and Status of Marine Turtles in Scottish Waters. Research Contract SNH/081/94/1BB. A report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
Langton, T.E.S. 1994 Crested Newt Survey of Selected Areas in South Wales 1994. A report to Countryside Council for Wales.
Langton, T.E.S. 1994 Species data sheets for priority European reptiles and amphibians. 1994 A report to the European Community. Internal reports for the European Commission. DG11, Bussels.
Langton, T.E.S. Habitat enhancement for amphibians in Pitmedden Forest Contract No. 930/F1B/211/291 1994 A report to Scottish Natural Heritage, S.E. Region. Scotland.
Cunningham, A.A., Langton, T.E.S., Bennett P.M., Drury, S.E.N., Gough, R.E. and Kirkwood, J.K., (1993) Poxvirus like particle in association with mortality of the common frog Rana temporaria in England. The Veterinary Record, August 7, 1993.
Cunningham, A.A., Bennett, P.M., and Langton, T.E.S., (1993) Approaches to Investigating Diseases in Wildlife Populations. Proceedings of the 1992 British Wildlife Rehabilitation Council, London.
Langton, T.E.S. (1992) Conservation of the Milos Viper Macrovipera schweizeri A report to the Environment Conservation and Management Division of the Council of Europe. A report on a visit to the island of Milos to assist the designing of a conservation strategy TPVS

Langton, T.E.S. and Beckett, C.L. (1990) Amphibians in Suffolk. Part I. Distribution of the Native Herpetofauna of Suffolk. A Conservation Strategy for Reptiles and Amphibians in Suffolk. Part II: Annex 1. Prepared on behalf of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust.
Langton, T.E.S. (Ed.) 1989 Amphibians and Roads. Proceedings of the Toad Tunnel Conference Rendsburg, Federal Republic of Germany, 7-8 January 1989. ACO Polymer Products Ltd., Shefford.
Langton, T.E.S. (1989) Snakes and Lizards. Whittet Books, 125 pp illust
Langton, T.E.S. (1988) Sonnenscheindaurer und die Zauneidechse Lacerta agilis in nordwest-England. In Biologie und Schutz der Zauneidechse (Mertensiella), Edited by Dieter Glandt & Wolfgang Bischoff. Published in association with the Deutchen Gesellschaft fur Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde.

Braithwaite, A.C., Buckley, J., Corbett, K.F., Edgar, P.W., Haslewood, E.S., Haslewood, G.A.D., Langton, T.E.S. & Whitaker, W.J. (1989) The distribution in England of the Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca Laurenti) The Herpetological Journal, Volume 1, Number 8, June 1989.
Carruthers, S., Smart, J., Langton T.E.S., and Bellamy, J., 1986. Open Space in London. Habitat Handbook No. 2 Published by the Greater London Council. London
Langton, T.E.S., (1985) Protecting Wild Reptiles and Amphibians In Britain. An occasional report by the Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, London.
Langton, T.E.S., (1985-1995) (Ed) Herpetofauna News. Volume 1, No.s 1-12 Newsletter for the Herpetofauna programme of the Fauna and Flora Preservation Society. Volume 2 no. 1-6. Published by Herpetofauna Consultants International, Halesworth.
Prestt, I. and Langton, T.E.S., (1985) Snakes and public awareness – the need for action. Unpub. manuscript for lecture given to the Zoological Society of London. Members meeting: July 1998.
Kelsey, M., and T.E.S. Langton, (1984) The Conservation of the Sokoke Forest, Kenya. International Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge.
Langton, T.E.S., (1984) The London Pond Report. Wild London; newsletter of the London Wildlife Trust.
Langton, T.E.S. (1982) A conservation review of the Natterjack toad Bufo calamita Laurenti in East Anglia. Unpublished report to the Nature Conservancy Council and Department of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich.